ZechTech is a bootstrapped corporation from Ohio that is redefining digital interactions.

Trust & Transparency

Always operate transparently and allow freedom with our services.

Service & Experience

Create a positive experience and provide a service that is worth coming back to.

Expansion & Innovation

Expand into developing markets and instill our values upon them to create change.

Powering online earning with CryptoTask

CryptoTask is redefining the GPT (Get Paid To) industry by introducing more transparency. CryptoTask aims to build trust with users and make a platform that caters to their needs.

  • Delivering $1,000+ monthly
  • Partnered with 10+ market research and affiliate marketing networks
  • Superior traffic quality & conversion rates
  • Dedicated customer care team

We also go by...

  • TicketLogs.com
    Providing reliable access to logs via a distributed cloud platform.
  • RelyHost
    High quality hosting services including 10gig VPS.

Lets get in touch

We'd be happy to talk with you.


We typically reply within 48 hrs.


Physical Mail

We typically reply within 2-4 weeks.

ZechTech LLC
3296 Westerville Rd
Unit #243
Columbus, OH 43224

ZechTech LLC